Photo: kyokke tanaka (Onyx) |
Three days ago, I got an email from a person. It had some questions for me. So, I wrote some suggestions from my point of view. Although those are nothing special and new, what do you think? Are those proper way to answer the questions or appropriate answers? If you wouldn't mind, I want to hear your comment to followings (*I added a few links and fixed some sentences on the original one):
- Do you think I'm stupid about my just keeping myself busy for my family or friends?
I don't think keeping busy for families or friends is stupid. At least, everybody spends some time with their family, friends and, more say, somebody. Social networking is a part of our essential job, as long as we live in a society. But, you should consider about how much you devote your time and endeavor to your family and friends. Just in my opinion, if you need something special like your own skills and competence -- in other words, to differentiate from others, you should make your own time in order to create who you are. For me, you look like you don't recognize who you are and what difference you are from others. Our tendency is that when we are close enough to each other, we couldn't see and create difference between us because we are likely to be being similar between us. Let's think about another way. It also means if you were someone, you should be close to him/her, inasmuch as we have the nature of similarity (This nature comes from the struggle for existence.). So, I suggest that you should consider about this way. If you want to keep busy by taking care of your family and hanging out with friends, would your ideal and future be connected with them? Remember your family and friends are very important, though, yet they are not you, they live their own life and they don't replace your life. You have to invest your future.
- Do you think I'm sacrificing myself not thinking anything??
I partly agree with your statement, even though I don't think you're not thinking about anything. Why do we sacrifice myself? Why don't we sacrifice others? Just thought. What is your role in your family, friends, groups, and society? Speaking of a baseball, each player has diffident role. For example, second hitter is generally supposed to do most sacrificed bunt. However, they don't do every time. How come? Because what they make a decision whether they do or not depends on what situation it is. Did you look at any situations? Sometimes they do choose a different choice from a sacrificed bunt, even if the situation is absolutely necessary to do the bunt. The reason is that they outwit a rival. This is not always needed, but, especially, when we need a big change, this strategy is useful. Don't beware I don't tell you thinking longer and more careful. Use your
- Have you thought I'm selfish and just pretending to be nice to others?
I'm selfish too. Who cares? Probably you care. What's the matter? If you were pretending to be nice, I don't know and even care. I want to ask you what the difference between pretending and not is. For me, it's more significant that what someone or I did something nice was really so? If not, and then the cause was the pretentious attitude. Think about it. But, this is just in our mind. Who really knows the truth? The opposite case could happen high possibility. We do not handle everything, especially invisible things. And, we are easy to lie! Anyway, overall I'm really no concerned about the argument whether or not selfish and pretending is. If you are interested in it, you should ask Onyx (He is a shiba dog.). He is a really well socialist. In addition, we don't know what he think about, you know.
Thank you,